- Android: 2.3.9
- Released On: 03/04/2017
- iPhone/iPad: 2.3.2
- Released On: 7/31/2016
- Windows Phone:
- Released On: 2/22/2016
So, it seems there are a few active iOS users out there. The latest PocketWGU version (1.7.0) went live on the App Store last night at about 5pm (EDT) and by the end of evening over 2,000 people had already ugraded. That's 20% of 10,000+ who have tried the app in its 2+ years of existence, all upgrading in a few hours after release. Our experience has been that users upgrade to the latest releases of PocketWGU pretty quickly, with about 75% adoption of the latest version within a month of release, but 2k users in one night is still pretty high. Thanks!
As for what's new in 1.7.0, users on iOS 5 and 6 should only see a few minor changes to the UI. These were done to make the code easier to support on Apple's upcoming release of iOS 7 (due this weekend). The DevTeam has tested 1.7.0 extensively with the v7 "GM" release and things seem to work, let us know what we missed. The new look of v7 is quite different (translucent and flat), so we still need to make some further UI improvements over the coming months, but we wanted to be sure that the app at least worked when the new OS came out.
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