- Android: 2.3.9
- Released On: 03/04/2017
- iPhone/iPad: 2.3.2
- Released On: 7/31/2016
- Windows Phone:
- Released On: 2/22/2016
PocketWGU 2.1.2 for Android* was released to Google Play and Amazon app stores today, and should be available now. There are a few tweaks and fixes, but the bigger item is progress tracking within the CoS. A few folks have asked for this over the past year+, so we gave it a shot. Hope you like it!
*No, we're not going to talk about 2.1.1... Ok, so there was a problem with our Proguard config in the release version. It was stripping out the class name used to support the CoS progress button clicks, so tapping the button did nothing. <sigh> Anyhoo, a quick fix to the Proguard config file, rebuild, re-submit, and everything's happy again. So, now we aren't going to talk about 2.1.1 again. :-)
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