- Android: 2.3.9
- Released On: 03/04/2017
- iPhone/iPad: 2.3.2
- Released On: 7/31/2016
- Windows Phone:
- Released On: 2/22/2016
Howdy Everyone! Here's a quick update...
As of yesterday, PocketWGU has been downloaded by over 6,100 WGU users across iOS and Android platforms. Last week it received its 100th user rating, and it's now the highest-rated mobile app designed specifically for WGU students with an average rating (across all markets and platforms) of 4.8 out of 5!
Based on growth this year, and WGU's February enrollment numbers, the DevTeam was looking forward to reaching the 20% mark with 1 in 5 WGU students having tried PocketWGU. We were stoked! Then our friends at WGU published their March enrollment: we're back down to 19%. Darn you Western Governors University! Couldn't you stop growing for just a month or two?!?! :-) Congratulations to WGU for continuing to grow and serve the educational needs of even more students. Keep setting the bar higher; PocketWGU will keep trying to keep up!
Speaking of raising the bar… We were recently reminded that older versions of PocketWGU on Android had an app widget for the phone’s home screen. This feature didn’t make the cut in the last release, but we did promise to bring it back. Thanks for the reminder, we’re on it! Look for a new and improved widget (or maybe two!) in the next release planned for May.
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