- Android: 2.3.9
- Released On: 03/04/2017
- iPhone/iPad: 2.3.2
- Released On: 7/31/2016
- Windows Phone:
- Released On: 2/22/2016
While the app does NOT collect any usage statistics (for privacy, PocketWGU only talks to WGU servers and never sends any data to us) the various app markets do tell us a little bit about who's using the app and for how long. Google, Amazon, and Apple keep track of unique users that download the app from their respective stores. As of yesterday, there were 7,340 of these. That represents 22.15% of the total WGU student body (based on published enrollment for May).
PocketWGU has been out on the Google market for over a year now, on iTunes since last September, and on Amazon since last December. In that time, many WGU students have graduated (congrats to them all!). Those lucky folk probably don't need the app anymore. Also, some folks try the app and find that they don't need it (we'd love to hear why?) or even, perish the thought, don't like it (Gaak! Please let us know why!). So, it's unlikely that all 7,320 people are still using the app every day. While Apple & Amazon are silent on this subject, Google tracks when users uninstall the app from their Android device. According to Google, the number of Android devices with the app still installed is 70% of the total users who downloaded the app from their market. If we assume (guess) that this ratio holds true for the other markets (which don't track uninstalls), we can extrapolate that 15.5% of the total WGU student body have kept the app. Pretty cool.
So, what do folks think of the app? All three markets allow ratings on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. The average ratings on each market are:
The overall average of all ratings on all markets comes out to 4.8 out of 5 stars. Not too shabby, compares very nicely with other university apps out there. With that said, very few people take the time to rate or review PocketWGU in the markets. At the time of this posting, there were a total of 113 ratings which works out to only 1.5% of users who've tried the app. That's a shame, and we REALLY wish more folks would give us a rating or review. If you like the app, please consider rating it in the market from which you downloaded it. Like many developers of free software, we live for the feedback!
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