- Android: 2.3.9
- Released On: 03/04/2017
- iPhone/iPad: 2.3.2
- Released On: 7/31/2016
- Windows Phone:
- Released On: 2/22/2016
With version 1.0.1 / 1.0.2, the DevTeam implemented a number of features we have long desired and planned. First, we eliminated the static button bar at the bottom of the home screen, and replaced this with a scrolling (left/right) display of options that can be expanded over time. We then re-implemented all the primary screens in a "pager" so that you can quickly swipe through them with a simple gesture. Next, we implemented a menu "drawer" for less frequently used items. You can reach this drawer by tapping the small app icon in the upper left corner, or by swiping to the right from the very left edge of the screen.
By doing the above, we had room for some new features and content. The "Direct" screen includes links directly to some key WGU student pages without leaving the app. Folks have long asked for a link to TaskStream, so this was the first item added. After that, we added a way to check for unread student email (and launch WGU Webmail), followed by direct access to some of the more important WGU-specific support pages. The "Social" screen provides links to WGU-specific social and blog sites. These links all open an external app, either the native application for a site (if one is installed on your device), or in the web browser. Additionally, these links go directly to the WGU-specific pages within the larger social sites.
One more new thing that you won’t see, but may notice, is that nearly all data transfers to and from the WGU servers are now much faster. We’ve changed the way in which we send/receive data throughout the app both to make this faster, and through compression, to reduce the amount of data that is actually sent and received. Smaller and faster… a nice combination!
Finally, we’ve added an option (in the menu "drawer") for folks to send us feedback directly. We hope you like the new app version, and hope to receive even more feedback in the future. Once again, thanks to everyone who’s tried PocketWGU and made this project such an ongoing success!
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