- Android: 2.3.9
- Released On: 03/04/2017
- iPhone/iPad: 2.3.2
- Released On: 7/31/2016
- Windows Phone:
- Released On: 2/22/2016
Update 5/16: Check out the new (v. 1.5) PocketWGU for iPhone/iPad with support for the new student portal.
Update 5/11: The current version for iPhone/iPad does NOT support the new portal. A new version that does has been submitted to Apple for review.
Update 4/10: Version 1.1.2 provides support for most "New Portal" actions, improved networking performance.
Update 3/5: Version 1.0.13 fixes some crashes when accessing the new portal.
Some of you have been using a new version of the Student Portal, it's been in beta since last summer. Until today, PocketWGU couldn't support the new portal at all. Starting with version 1.0.12 (Android), we've tried to add some support. This version is experimental, not everything will work, but with your help we'll squash the bugs in no time. If you are a student that is using the new portal, please give this version a try and send us an email telling us what works and what doesn't. Here's what our internal testing has shown:
We need folks to work with us to iron out the kinks and get everything working with the new portal. We really appreciate email reports of problems, and try to respond promptly. Please remember that we cannot respond to reports on Google Play or Apple iTunes, it just isn't possible. Thanks!
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