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Disregard previous post, found the problem.

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Disregard previous post, found the problem.
PocketWGU DevTeam
PocketWGU DevTeam's picture
Re: Disregard previous post, found the problem.

We're hoping everything is working for you now.  Let us know if you run into any other problems.  By the way, PocketWGU should work fine for sutdents of "classic" WGU as well as for each of the "state" versions like WGU Tennessee, Indiana, Texas, etc.


PocketWGU DevTeam PocketWGU is a volunteer project open to students, faculty, staff and alumni of WGU.

Re: Disregard previous post, found the problem.

Yes, the problem was all mine, nothing technical. I was missing a CAP in my password, that's all. After having a few days to use it, I just wanted to take a minute to tell the PocketWGU DevTeam how much I have enjoyed using it and it will replace my laptop for my primary method of reading eBooks in the COS. It is absolutely awesome, works great, and no problems when you get your password right....ha,ha. Thanks for a GREAT app and support forum.

Re: Disregard previous post, found the problem.

I want to second the statements made by jpayn19;
i use the app more then my laptop.

PocketWGU DevTeam
PocketWGU DevTeam's picture
Re: Disregard previous post, found the problem.

Thanks!  We love to hear it!

PocketWGU DevTeam PocketWGU is a volunteer project open to students, faculty, staff and alumni of WGU.

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