Not so sure I would call this a bug. If I select a community. then "Get Latest for This Community". I get a view on the left of all the latest messages for this community. The view indicates how many messages are on the subject. Then select the subject and I'm taken to the most recent meaassage in that subject. Not sure this view is helpful without the other messages in the subject thread. I have one that takes me to a message, "Thank You". For what? Have to select the globe idon to see the rest of the thread. Maybe I need to be in the cummunity more frequesntly and I could follow better. I would think this veiw more benficial if I was taken to the bottom of the selected message subject. I will likely see the message preceding it and might have a clue what the most recent message pertains to.
- Android: 2.3.9
- Released On: 03/04/2017
- iPhone/iPad: 2.3.2
- Released On: 7/31/2016
- Windows Phone:
- Released On: 2/22/2016
I get your point and know what you mean. The original version of the app did exactly what you are suggesting (took you straight to the full thread and scrolled to the bottom). There are two problems I faced when doing this:
For these reasons, I've made the app show the "latest" first and give the user the option of viewing the full thread. I think this is best because I can show the "latest" instantly and many times the user won't care about the rest of the thread. When the user does want to see the whole thread, he/she can tap the globe. Make sense?
PocketWGU DevTeam PocketWGU is a volunteer project open to students, faculty, staff and alumni of WGU.
I see the dilemas. Obviously I don't spend enough time in the communities, I didn't think about the fact that the latest message on a topic may not be at the bottom of the thread, works like any other forum. If the threads are too large taking a long time to load, not everyone has that kind of bandwidth. Don't suppose there is a way to show the latest posting and thier parents only, excluding the rest of the thread. An option like this would likely benefit both situations.
'If it ain't broke'
'Fix it until it is'
Ya know, it may be possible to figure out "immediate parents" of a given message. The thing to remember is that none of this is woking with a "WGU API", I can only interpret the data I can get my hands on, so some things that SHOULD be simple, aren't. Worth a try though...
PocketWGU DevTeam PocketWGU is a volunteer project open to students, faculty, staff and alumni of WGU.