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Install on Thunderbolt...

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Install on Thunderbolt...

Hi David,

Getting "Login or Update failed" at 55% 55/100 on "Contacting WGU" screen.My degree information shows up but everything else is missing.

Any thoughts?

Tim Nash

PocketWGU DevTeam
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Install on Thunderbolt...


I can't explain why you would get some of the information but not all of it. If you can see valid degree information, the login must have worked. Please try performing a refresh again (from the main menu). If that doesn't work, I would recommend completely uninstalling the application and then reinstalling it.

At 55%, the application should have received all of its data, and is merely working on parsing the data and storing it into the on-phone database. If something went wrong at some point, it's possible that the database is corrupt. Uninstalling the application completely wipes the database (and all PocketWGU data) so that these may be recreated during a fresh install.

I hope this helps. Please let me know.

PocketWGU DevTeam PocketWGU is a volunteer project open to students, faculty, staff and alumni of WGU.

PocketWGU DevTeam
PocketWGU DevTeam's picture
Install on Thunderbolt...

I believe this is fixed in beta 4.742, thanks for the report!

PocketWGU DevTeam PocketWGU is a volunteer project open to students, faculty, staff and alumni of WGU.

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