Welcome to the PocketWGU support forums (of fora if you prefer). This is the forum for requesting help with PocketWGU, or letting me know that it's causing you problems (if so, I'm sorry). The rules are fairly simple: be polite and keep things clean.
The PocketWGU Development Team
I'm just starting with WGU, I have tried using the login I got from financial and not the student id. Is this the correct login credentials?
Welcome to WGU, I'm sure you'll like it here. Your login for PocketWGU is the login you use to get into the Student Portal (my.wgu.edu). Your login is probably also the same one you will use to access student email. The login is NOT your student id (which is a number).
Just so that you know, when you're first starting with WGU it may take a while before your "AAP" (your full list of classes) is set and approved. Until then, you'll get some errors from PocketWGU (I should fix that) but the community portions will still work. Once your AAP is all setup, all of PocketWGU should work for you.
Let me know if you have any problems.
PocketWGU DevTeam PocketWGU is a volunteer project open to students, faculty, staff and alumni of WGU.
I am trying to login for the first time. I am using the name/password that I ues to log into the my.wgu.edu and I get as far as 55% and then it stops and states login or update failed. I am using a Droid 2. Please help Thanks!
The problem you are describing may be a bug in the app related to handling course data. If a student has recently enrolled, and hasn't yet fully finalized his/her AAP, PocketWGU can get a bit confused and cause this error. It's a bug I need to fix, sorry about that. Did you start with WGU recently? If so, the app may start working for you once your AAP is finalized. If not, please let me know and I'll try to figure out what the problem might be.
PocketWGU DevTeam PocketWGU is a volunteer project open to students, faculty, staff and alumni of WGU.
Thank you for getting back with me. I tried again today and it worked just fine. I look forward to using the app. Thanks again
Great app when I installed, but need help.
I was working perfect, showing all my course, plan etc but all of suddent my data disappear and now when I try to update, it will just update communities and Authentication , other updating data etc returns "Failed". Any tip whats going on? already tried reinstalling tiwce even using a different phone, no luck. It worked great for one week, not sure what happne all of sudden, PLEASE HELP :(
Hi Geekoncall,
The problem you are describing can be caused by a couple of things. In some versions of the App, the timing of authentication and downloading course data could get out of sync. This should be fixed in the latest release for Android (1.0.11). Please try to completely uninstall the app before installing the new version from the Play store.
We've also seen this problem when users are switched to the new WGU student portal. If you are now using the new portal (mosly grey background?), then none of the current releases of PocketWGU will work. The DevTeam is hard at working trying to adapt PocketWGU to the new portal, and hope to have a new release out soon for this.
PocketWGU DevTeam PocketWGU is a volunteer project open to students, faculty, staff and alumni of WGU.