Love the app, and I like the new changes. Not sure why though, and maybe I'm just misunderstanding it, but 1.5 is showing me as having 27 credits, when my math says I should have 41.
Any thoughts?
See: and
- Android: 2.3.9
- Released On: 03/04/2017
- iPhone/iPad: 2.3.2
- Released On: 7/31/2016
- Windows Phone:
- Released On: 2/22/2016
This is a bit odd. First of all, we've made some fixes for this in v1.5.1 which Apple is currently reviewing. When you get the new version, refresh you data and things shold look a lot better. Better, but maybe not exactly right.
From your degree-plan it certainly looks like you should have 41. In their new system (which PocketWGU polls for your progress data), WGU doesn't count courses you finish in a term towards your degree until after the term is complete. So, looking at your term progress, there are 16 CU finished this term which exactly matches the 5 "Pass" courses in your plan. What's odd is that your degree progress shows 27 completed CU which is 2 more than what I can see in your plan. 16+27 = 43, not 41. According to the WGU system, you should have 43 CU complete. Strange. Did you get a couple of CU for EWB earlier in the plan?
In the next version of the app, we go ahead and adjust the degree progress as soon as you complete something in the term. So, when you get the new version, it should show 43/77 on the degree side (55.8%). Which, by the way, is fantastic progress for a first term.
PocketWGU DevTeam PocketWGU is a volunteer project open to students, faculty, staff and alumni of WGU.
Hmm... No, no CUs for the earlier. (and thanks!)
Odd though, I'm not sure where the wrong numbers are pulling from.
I'll see what it says in 1.5.1 and come back and let you know.
Stranger and stranger... I see that you are using the "Classic" student portal. PocketWGU on iOS now gets the the progress data from interfaces that are part of the "New" portal, so maybe there's a little bit of a disconnect between the two. I'm sure we'll nail it down soon. :-)
BTW: Version 1.5.1 just went live on iTunes within the past 5 minutes. Time to submit version 1.5.3. :-)
PocketWGU DevTeam PocketWGU is a volunteer project open to students, faculty, staff and alumni of WGU.
Heh. 1.5.1 does indeed say 43 complete. Still not sure where those extra 2 are coming from, but that's much closer and what you said you expected.
I guess the classic/new switch is something they're rolling out slowly? I'll keep an eye out for the change and see what happens then. :-)