- Android: 2.3.9
- Released On: 03/04/2017
- iPhone/iPad: 2.3.2
- Released On: 7/31/2016
- Windows Phone:
- Released On: 2/22/2016
It took about three weeks, but considering very few people even know about PocketWGU that's pretty cool. As of today, PocketWGU has been downloaded 200 times from the Android Market, and has an average rating of 5/5 stars! For those of you who have rated and/or commented on the app in the Android Market, Thanks! For those that haven't, please consider giving it a Market rating and/or comment.
The Market doesn't show anything about who downloads the app, but it does see what kind of device and version of Android are the top players. At the moment:
The DevTeam never rests, however, and work has begun on an iPhone version of PocketWGU. It's very, very early in the process, but there is a sneak peek of the pre-alpha available.
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