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Super secret, next version of PocketWGU for Android

Update: 12/21/2014: PocketWGU for Android 2 (211) enters beta testing.  Email us to sign up.

Update: 11/6/2014: Fourth alpha verson (204) is available for testing.  New video subsystem.

Update: 11/2/2014: Third alpha verson (203) is available for testing.  Updates for tablet UI.  Send us an email if you want in.

Update: 10/12/2014: Initial alpha verson is available for testing.  Send us an email if you want in.

Shh... don't tell anyone.  And don't look here.


Re: Super secret, next version of PocketWGU for Android


PocketWGU DevTeam
PocketWGU DevTeam's picture
Re: Super secret, next version of PocketWGU for Android

The invite is in the mail.

PocketWGU DevTeam PocketWGU is a volunteer project open to students, faculty, staff and alumni of WGU.

Re: Super secret, next version of PocketWGU for Android

I am also Interested in testing the android app out.

PocketWGU DevTeam
PocketWGU DevTeam's picture
Re: Super secret, next version of PocketWGU for Android

The invite is in the mail.  Let me know what you think.

PocketWGU DevTeam PocketWGU is a volunteer project open to students, faculty, staff and alumni of WGU.

Re: Super secret, next version of PocketWGU for Android

I'd like to be a tester as well 

PocketWGU DevTeam
PocketWGU DevTeam's picture
Re: Super secret, next version of PocketWGU for Android

Invite is in the mail.  Thanks!

PocketWGU DevTeam PocketWGU is a volunteer project open to students, faculty, staff and alumni of WGU.

Re: Super secret, next version of PocketWGU for Android

I'm interested in being a beta tester.

PocketWGU DevTeam
PocketWGU DevTeam's picture
Re: Super secret, next version of PocketWGU for Android

Invite is in the mail.  Thanks!

PocketWGU DevTeam PocketWGU is a volunteer project open to students, faculty, staff and alumni of WGU.

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