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Constant Crashing on my iPhone 5 & iPad

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Constant Crashing on my iPhone 5 & iPad

I have downloaded the latest version of the PocketWGU app.  However I am still encountering constant crashing on both devices.  On my iPhone 5, is have iOS 6.1.4 and on the iPad 3 I have iOS 6.1.3.  Whenever I load up the app and put the logon details in, it goes to refresh the data and then closes.  This is in a constant loop and so far, I have not been able to load the application up on either device.
Any help or advise would be grateful.

PocketWGU DevTeam
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Re: Constant Crashing on my iPhone 5 & iPad

Hi Ben,

Sorry to hear you're having this problem.  There is definitely still a bug in version 1.6 of the app, but we've done everything we can think of to try and catch it with the limited information we have access to.  We really need to get some more info to get this solved.  Here's the scoop:

The latest version is working for most people, but there are still a few that are having the problem you are seeing. We think the crash is occuring during the parsing of degree data.  This happens after login and after retrieving mentor and progress info for the home screen.  This is why it usually takes a second or two before the app crashes.  The challenge is that everyone's degree data is a little bit different from everyone else's, and we only have one test account (that only shows degree data in one way).  In your case, the data must be a little bit different from what the app is expecting, and when it gets too confused, it crashes.

We've sent a newer release (1.6.1) into Apple for its review and you should see this in the app store later this week.  This version does have some more bug fixes, but it still may not solve the problem.  The good news, however, is that we've added a feature to the app to save details about every crash.  In this new version, when the app crashes, the next time you start the app it will ask you if its OK to send the crash details.  Please do so!  This does not send any of your data (it is completely anonymous), instead this let's us know exactly what part of the program crashed.  Once we know where the program is crashing, we can try to add better checks so that it stops crashing.

One last thing, there are now two version of the Student Portal in use.  The "classic" version has a white background with blue menu bars.  The "new" version of the Student Portal has a mostly grey background.  Can you tell us which version of the Student Portal you are currently using?  This would help.


PocketWGU DevTeam PocketWGU is a volunteer project open to students, faculty, staff and alumni of WGU.

PocketWGU DevTeam
PocketWGU DevTeam's picture
Re: Constant Crashing on my iPhone 5 & iPad

Quick update:  It looks like this bug has been fixed in version 1.6.2 for iOS

Longer version:  We had thought the crash was happening during the parsing of degree data, but after publishing 1.6.1, we started to receive crash reports from users (thanks!) that pointed to the parsing of Mentor data (e.g. mentor name, email, etc.).  Oddly, this works fine for most users but for some (maybe 3%?) there is something about the mentor data that is different.  Regardless, we put in a fix for this in 1.6.2 and haven't seen a problem since.


PocketWGU DevTeam PocketWGU is a volunteer project open to students, faculty, staff and alumni of WGU.

Re: Constant Crashing on my iPhone 5 & iPad

I am using the iOS 7 Beta 2 and it crashes every time
I get a "Recieved Good Session" but and then it crashes and the last refreshed is always ??. I do see my mentor, major, and expected graduation but that is it.

Re: Constant Crashing on my iPhone 5 & iPad

Sorry, that is an iPhone 4S running iOS 7.0

PocketWGU DevTeam
PocketWGU DevTeam's picture
Re: Constant Crashing on my iPhone 5 & iPad

Howdy 101stvet,

I've seen some crash reports come in for this problem, but only for users of the iOS 7 betas, this seems to work now for users of released iOS versions (5.x and 6.x) so I think the issue lies in some bug with the 7.x betas.  I've heard there are quite a few bugs still in iOS 7, and the crash is happening in "framework" code that works fine in the release versions.  Regardless, I'll look into this in the next week or two.  Should have a fix before v7 becomes real.

PocketWGU DevTeam PocketWGU is a volunteer project open to students, faculty, staff and alumni of WGU.

PocketWGU DevTeam
PocketWGU DevTeam's picture
Re: Constant Crashing on my iPhone 5 & iPad

When you get a chance, please give version 1.7.0 a try a let me know if it works better for you.  We've tried to make this version compatible with iOS 7 and it seems to work better for us.  Thanks!

PocketWGU DevTeam PocketWGU is a volunteer project open to students, faculty, staff and alumni of WGU.

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