Welcome to PocketWGU!

PocketWGU is the unofficial mobile application for use by students of Western Governors University. Created for, and by, the students of WGU, this app provides access to the online communities, learning resources, and student program information of WGU. PocketWGU is available for iOS (Phone & iPad), Android devices (phones, tablets & Kindle Fire), and on Windows Phone. PocketWGU is free and does not contain ads.

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73,312 PocketWGU users according to...

So, about this "Social Network" thingy...

PocketWGU was first brought into the world on the WGU Community site (nearly four years ago!) so one can argue that it's no stranger to the "social" thingummies.  We've had a page on Google+ since, well, since there was a Google+ to have pages on.  We were a bit late to the game in joining Twitter, but we're there too.  Recently, we heard about some site that hosts a book of faces, and since we like our new face, we figured that might worth a try too.  Bottom line, PocketWGU is really not anti-social...


When it rain it pours...

Hot on the heals of our major new release (and subsequent bugfix), WGU has made some changes to the Community site that breaks all versions of PocketWGU (as well as community access from the student portal home page).  Anyhoo, version 2.0.17 is out for Android with the fix.  A new release for iOS (1.8.4) has been submitted to Apple for their review and will (hopefully) appear in the next few days.

And now, for something completely different...

PocketWGU for Android 2

PocketWGU for Android 2


Super secret, next version of PocketWGU for Android

Update: 12/21/2014: PocketWGU for Android 2 (211) enters beta testing.  Email us to sign up.

Update: 11/6/2014: Fourth alpha verson (204) is available for testing.  New video subsystem.

Update: 11/2/2014: Third alpha verson (203) is available for testing.  Updates for tablet UI.  Send us an email if you want in.

Update: 10/12/2014: Initial alpha verson is available for testing.  Send us an email if you want in.

Using PocketWGU on Android? Better update!

Howdy!  The nice folks at WGU have made a major change to the Student Portal to dramatically improve the speed and reliability of getting your Degree Plan information.  They've done an AWESOME job.  I won't bore you with the details, most of which are behind the scenes, but the new system is much more performant.  On the downside, this did break the "Courses" part of PocketWGU.  On the upside, fixing PocketWGU to use the new portal was a breeze because of the great job WGU IT did.  The new version of PocketWGU for Android, 1.9.10, is available now on both Google Play and the Amazon Market.  We strongly recommend that ALL users upgrade to this new version:  it's the ONLY version of PocketWGU for Android that will continue to provide updated course/degree information.  Thanks!

Big, Round Numbers

Thirty K

New PocketWGU for iOS 1.8.0

A new release of PocketWGU for iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) is now available. Version 1.8.0 contains a number of bug fixes and improvements, mostly in working with courses. Access to the CoS should now be faster and more stable.  A new "Open in TaskStream" option is now available for Performance Assessments.  Selecting "Course Videos" will now automatically log into Panopto to provide access to all videos for your account.  

Give it a spin and let us know what you think. If you run into any problems, shoot us an email to let us know. The speed-up and fixes in CoS access were a direct result of helpful emails from user K.C. (Thanks!) and from everyone who chose to submit crash reports. We couldn't have done it without you!

PocketWGU for Android 1.9.7

Howdy All, there's a new version of PocketWGU for Android working its way through the Google and Amazon review process. It should be live on both stores within the next couple of hours. There are a few changes in this version, all focused on making it easier to work with individual courses.

When you select an individual course, you will see a screen similar to the one on the left. It will show some new options. The new "Course Mentors" link (bottom right) will provide you with the names, email addresses, phone numbers, and office hours for the Course Mentors specific to this course. Also new (and you'll only see this for "Performance" assessments) is the "Open in TaskStream" button. This will log you into TaskStream and take you to the "DRF" for the selected course, similar to the screen on the right, above. Also, we've completely rewritten the "Videos for this Course" subsystem (middle screen above) to provide more information, show more videos, and allow you to fully search (note that magnifying glass at the top) the entire archive of WGU video content available for your account.

We hope you like these additions. As always, let us know what works and doesn't.  Thanks!

Now Available: PocketWGU for Windows Phone 8 / 8.1

Thanks to the hard work of an excellent group of beta testers (Thanks!!), the initial public release of PocketWGU for Windows Phone is now live on the Windows Phone Store.  Go have a look and give it a try.

PocketWGU for Windows Phone -- Beta 1

Howdy All,

The very first beta of PocketWGU for Windows Phone is now up on the WP app store.  If you don't already have access, send us a note with your MS email (the one you use on your phone) and we'll send you the link.


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