Welcome to PocketWGU!

PocketWGU is the unofficial mobile application for use by students of Western Governors University. Created for, and by, the students of WGU, this app provides access to the online communities, learning resources, and student program information of WGU. PocketWGU is available for iOS (Phone & iPad), Android devices (phones, tablets & Kindle Fire), and on Windows Phone. PocketWGU is free and does not contain ads.

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73,312 PocketWGU users according to...

PocketWGU BROKEN!! by Changes to Student Portal

Update:  Please upgrade to version and let us know if this works again!

Recent changes to the WGU Student Portal (7/28/2011) have broken parts of PocketWGU.  The DevTeam is aware of these changes and is working feverishly on a new version of the app.  Sorry for the inconvenince!  For now, the "Community" sections of the app may still work, but the degree/program information will not.  Thanks for your patience.

PocketWGU for iPhone - Alpha Testing Begins

Now that the Android version of PocketWGU has been downloaded over 400 times (and counting!) the DevTeam felt that a port over to the Apple side of the fence would be a good idea.  PocketWGU for iPhone is starting to take shape and it will need testing.  The DevTeam only has access to an iPod Touch and an iPad, and can only test with one student account (that can't see much anymore), so we need your help! 

PocketWGU Crosses 200 Downloads

It took about three weeks, but considering very few people even know about PocketWGU that's pretty cool.  As of today, PocketWGU has been downloaded 200 times from the Android Market, and has an average rating of 5/5 stars!  For those of you who have rated and/or commented on the app in the Android Market, Thanks!  For those that haven't, please consider giving it a Market rating and/or comment.

The Market doesn't show anything about who downloads the app, but it does see what kind of device and version of Android are the top players.  At the moment:

PocketWGU Live in the Android Market!!!

PocketWGU is now available directly through the Android Market.  Here's a direct link: 

Android Market Link


Users of previous versions: You MUST uninstall PocketWGU BEFORE installing from the Android Market!


PocketWGU Beta 4.78

Just one new feature, but I think it's pretty cool.  PocketWGU now Speaks!  Try out the new "Speak" button in the QuickView for any community message.

PocketWGU Beta 4.77

Restructured the "My Courses" section to provide greater information regarding a given assessment.  You may now view both the CoS and the assessment details from this screen.  Also, restructured the app-widget to display better in landscape mode.  It's still not pretty, but at least it works. :)

PocketWGU Beta 4.76

New beta with a number of optimizations to the underlying resources to help it load a bit faster. This version also implements an "About" screen that you can get to from the main menu. Note: the "version checker" has been moved from the main screen into the "About" screen, so you'll need to go there to check for new versions now.

I've also started optimizing the layouts for use in landscape, and for use on larger screen devices (i.e. Tablets). More to come on that front shortly...

PocketWGU is Now Open Source!

The PocketWGU project is now open to all students, faculty, staff and alumni of Western Governors University. Full source code, bug tracker, wiki and more are now available at the PocketWGU Development site. Click on the "Development" menu item above to learn more and start participating!

How to Use OpenID to Log In

Tired of creating yet another account just to use a website? Yeah, me too. Fortunately, there are some secure ways to use the accounts you already have to access other websites, including this one. This page describes how to use the OpenID system. If you have a Google account (and if you're a WGU student, you do!) you can use that account to log into this website using OpenID. This site will never get or ever know your password, and you can cancel your access to this site at any time. Here's how it works:

PocketWGU Beta 4.75

Minor bugfixes and a new icon.


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